Burkina Faso

Our projects for human rights, education and health in Burkina Faso

For many years courageous people in Burkina Faso have worked to make sure that young girls can grow up in a safe environment. Thanks to the legal decree in 1996, which criminalized genital mutilation, SAIDA is able to seek out similar types of initiatives and support them. Since 2011 we have worked with the Gomboro community, a region in northern Burkina Faso, to make sure that these girls are protected effectively.

Before we are able to strengthen the position of women in the Gomboro community we must first improve their economic autonomy. We have begun to help women reduce structural inequality by providing literacy classes and organizing craft courses.

About SAIDA International e.V.

We are committed to supporting women and children’s rights in developing countries. Our work focuses on education for young girls, stopping genital mutilation and early marriages, empowering women, and improving reproductive health. 


Our Donation Account

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Our donation account at Ethikbank:

IBAN DE61 8309 4495 0003 0283 13