Burkina Faso

Our projects for human rights, education and health in Burkina Faso

School, solar and sanitation

In January 2014, the Jugendjury of GenialSozial awarded our project first place and at the end of April 2015 we had a funding agreement with the Saxon Youth Foundation for over 68,800 Euros. This money will go towards constructing a school building and maternity ward. We received the first installment in May so the construction work for the new elementary school in Gomboro could start.

In einem ersten Schritt wird ein neues Grundschulgebäude samt Ausstattung für die Klassenräume und ökologisch sinnvollen Komposttoiletten entstehen und in einem zweiten Schritt eine Geburtshilfestation mit chirurgischer Ambulanz errichtet. 
zur Aktionseite von genialsozial

Most families in the Gomboro community rely on farming as a source of income. With frequently increasing droughts and crop failures, survival is difficult and life is defined by extreme privation. In particular, women and children are victims of social aberrations and affected by violence, exploitation and discrimination. Many are not allowed to attend school and become victims of genital mutilation. Therefore, we support local initiatives in their commitment to end this oppression and increase fairer opportunities.

Together with the Gomboro community, we can concretely promote GenialSozial and improve education and health care for women and children. Our commitment aims to reduce severe poverty and increase equal opportunities for girls. Therefore access to quality education plays a crucial role in the ability to further formal vocational training. This is especially true for decentralized, rural regions where there are few educational institutions. Besides access to formal education, it is important to provide access to vital health information. With an extremely high maternal and child mortality rate, education about sexual and reproductive health is critical. Maternity ward consultants and mobile health workers provide girls and women with information on contraception, prenatal care, obstetrics, the prevention of HIV/AIDS and malaria.

We would like to thank the students who have chosen our project as well as the Saxon Youth Foundation, which makes GenialSozial possible.

Projektstandort in Burkina Faso 

About SAIDA International e.V.

We are committed to supporting women and children’s rights in developing countries. Our work focuses on education for young girls, stopping genital mutilation and early marriages, empowering women, and improving reproductive health. 


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IBAN DE61 8309 4495 0003 0283 13